Sponsor Movie Under the Stars! image

Sponsor Movie Under the Stars!

$1,225 raised

$715 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

SSSRA is hosting an outdoor movie experience this summer. We are inviting participants from other special recreation associations to join our participants for a Movie Under the Stars.

Thank you to our sponsors of Movie Under the Stars!

Augie Palumbo
Kailen Davis
Roger Specht

Their generous donations will cover the cost of the movie license, snacks, and bottled water.

If you would like to support SSSRA programs and special events, please donate online or visit our fundraising page for additional information.

South Suburban Special Recreation Association (SSSRA) is a therapeutic recreation program that is an extension of seven park districts and three recreation and parks departments. It is organized to provide individuals with disabilities or special needs, the opportunity to be involved in year-round recreation.

Please call 815.806.0384 or email info@sssra.org if you have any questions.